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Writer's picture: EraBeraEraBera

Új-Zéland egyik hivatalos nyelve az angol. No shit! De vajon tudjátok, hogy mi a második és pláne a harmadik? Te reo Māori, azaz Maori és új-zélandi jelnyelv. Az biztosan nem titok, hogy Magyarországon az egyik leggyakrabban használt szavunk a "bammeg". Mi más. Nem szép dolog. Kötőszóként, utalószóként, hangulatunk szemléltetéseként, és nem utolsó sorban indulatszóként használjuk ... többnyire. De tudjátok honnan ered a "bammeg" angol megfelelője? Ugyehogynem! Vesézzük ki, milyen furcsa szavak találhatóak angol szótárunkban. Az új-zélandi bézik lakosok, a Kiwik nem annyira tudományos alapon használják az anyanyelvüket, khm. A chur, nah bro, yeah nah, sweet as, hey mate you all good?, etc. kifejezéseken kívül túl sok mindent nem mondanak, besörözve, fake kolbászt sütögetve a dick-en ... akarom mondani a deck-en. Biztos lesznek újdonságok mindenkinek, nyelveljünk hát egyet.

(angol tudás szükséges lesz a tartalom értelmezéséhez - kivéve a csattanó a végén, az magyaros)

Kezdjük is az egyik kedvenc Kiwi szavammal, a "chur" jelentése: hi, bye, thanks, cool. Easy. Mármint easy, mint easy. :) Na, értitek, ugye.

Friend 1: Bro I got you a beer.

Friend 2: Chur bro.

In the beginning was parekareka, meaning “sweet as!”. This was shortened to kareka, then mutated into kelega via regional consonants. That then became chalega, which was shortened to cha, and finally turned into chur.

De nézzünk egy egyszerű példát, tragedy - tragédia, dráma.

The word "tragedy" comes from the Greek word tragodia, which literally translates to "goat song." Many theories have been offered up to explain this strange origin, one such being that because goats would often be sacrificed to the Gods at the end of Athenian play competitions, the sound of their cries became associated with Greek tragedies.

Aktuális szó: mortgage.

New homeowners staring down hefty mortgages will empathise with the origin of the term. It comes from the old french words mort and gage, which translate in English to mean "death pledge". According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the mortgage got such a depressing name from the fact that "the deal dies either when the debt is paid or when payment fails."

Lukewarm - langyos

The "luke" in "lukewarm" is believed to be a derivative of the Middle English word lew and old English word hleow, both of which mean "tepid". So yes, technically speaking, lukewarm just means "warm warm".

Muscle - izom

In Latin, the word for muscle translates to "little mouse." Back when muscles were named, people believed that the movement of tendons looked like mice running underneath the skin.

Geek - kockafej

The people whom we consider geeks today are certainly not the same people who would have been labeled geeks in the early 1900s. Back then, the word was used to describe not socially awkward, tech-savvy individuals, but rather circus sideshow performers who bit the heads off of small living creatures. It was only in the 1980s that the word began to take on its current meaning, and by the 21st century it nearly lost its negative connotation altogether.

Boycott - bojkott (easy-peasy)

Though it looks like a compound word, the term "boycott" is actually eponymous, named after 19th century land agent Captain Charles C. Boycott. During the Irish Land War in the 1880s, Boycott famously feuded with the Irish Land League and their supporters, all of whom were fighting for tenant farmers' rights. The papers turned the landlord's last name into an adjective, and its use quickly spread to other countries and, eventually, other languages.

Deadline - határidő

Nearly all professionals lived and breathe by deadlines, at least metaphorically speaking. But during the Civil War, a deadline was literally life or death - not because people took their assignments more seriously back then, but because during this time, a deadline referred to the line drawn around a prison that a prisoner could not pass without getting shot. Many decades after the Civil War, American newsrooms began to use the word "deadline" in its current sense, and the original definition was all but eliminated from use (thankfully).

Chauffeur - sofőr

The word chauffeur in French literally means "one that heats", as the first ever chauffeurs were the people paid to keep a steam engine running. However, with the invention of automobiles, the French began to call carriage drivers "chauffeurs" as well, eventually lending the word to anyone paid to drive others around.

Girl - lány

The word "girl" isn't historically tied to a specific gender. Rather, as professor emeritus of linguistics Sally McConnell-Ginet explained to the Huffington Post, it was first used in the 13th century to refer to a young person in general, whether they were male or female. Up until the 16th century, "gay girls" were young women and "knave girls" were young men.

Salary - fizetés

This common word finds its roots in the Latin word salarius, meaning "of or pertaining to salt". In ancient Rome, money and salt were closely connected; the mineral was a pricey but necessary commodity back then, and most warrior's salaries were spent entirely on it. This relationship gave way to the word that now describes the fixed amount of money you receive fro your employer every few weeks.

Phone - telefon

A phone is a device that"s used to communicate with people from a distance (you might be using a phone to read this!). The English word phone is actually short for telephone, which comes from the Greek words for sound (phon) and far away (tele). Homophones are words that sound (phon) the same (homo) but are spelled differently, like hear and here. If you like hearing nice things you might enjoy a symphony, which is when many instruments play together (sym) to make a beautiful sound (phon) ... usually.

Sandwich - szendvics

The nation’s favourite lunchtime snack gets its name from the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu. The story goes that 250 years ago, the 18th-century aristocrat requested that his valet bring him beef served between two slices of bread. He was fond of eating this meal whilst playing card games, as it meant that his hands wouldn’t get greasy from the meat and thus spoil the cards. Observing him, Montagu’s friends began asking for “the same as Sandwich”, and so the sandwich was born. Though people did eat bread with foods such as cheese and meat before this, these meals were known as “bread and cheese” or “bread and meat”. The sandwich is now the ultimate convenience food.

Ketchup - kecsöp lol

It’s hard to believe that this British and American staple started life in 17th-century China as a sauce of pickled fish and spices. Known in the Chinese Amoy dialect as kôe-chiap or kê-chiap, its popularity spread to what is now Singapore and Malaysia in the early 18th century, where it was encountered by British explorers. In Indonesian-Malaysian the sauce was called “kecap”, the pronunciation of which, “kay-chap”, explains where we got the word “ketchup”. It wasn’t until the 19th century that tomato ketchup was invented, however; people used to think that tomatoes were poisonous, and the sauce didn’t catch on in America until later that century. One couldn’t imagine chips or burgers without it now!

A középkori Angliában az emberek nem szexelhettek, csak a király jóváhagyásával (kivétel a királyi család). Mikor egy család gyereket akart, a királyhoz kellett fordulniuk kérelemért, aki küldött nekik egy táblát, amit az ajtóra kellett kitűzniük, amikor házas életet éltek. A táblán ez állt: Fornication Under Consent of the King (F.U.C.K.), azaz paráználkodás a király engedélyével. Innen ered a mai "fuck" angol szó.

A bejegyzés címe: tonguelore. A név innen ered:



Péter Horváth
Péter Horváth
Jul 14, 2021

Ma is tanultam valami újat! Köszi! 😊

Erről ez jutott eszembe:


Jul 15, 2021
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Ez új nekem, de szuper 😁

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